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Stunning Realgar and Orpiment Tower


9.7cm x 2.5cm x 2.4cm

Realgar and Orpiment Tower

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  • Orpiment resonates with one’s solar plexus chakra, specifically one’s personal will. Your “will” will become activated and aligned with your emotional body. This will help you become more in touch with your personal desires. Your energy level will increase when using this stone, as well as your focus, strength, and confidence. One will notice themselves having a different perception of the things and people closest to them, resulting in a possible change of environment. Now that one is fully aligned and focused on their dreams, any baggage they carry that does not serve them will soon be replaced. This is not only healthy for someone with high aspirations, but also extremely challenging for anyone to do. Orpiment makes this process much less stressful and emotionally taxing by being a constant reminder of what’s most important to you.

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