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AMAZING Pink Lithium Quartz Cluster


9.5cm x 5.6cm x 4.8cm

Pink Lithium Quartz Cluster

GST Included |
  • Lithium Quartz has an exquisite energy that sings of love and tranquility.  It is a phenomenal anchor stone for Loving-Kindness meditations when we focus on sending benevolent thoughts and vibrations, both inward and outward.  Lithium Quartz calms the mind and opens the heart.  It helps us to be present and focused on the essential task at hand.  It releases distracting thoughts, but reminds us that distracting thoughts are normal and we don’t need to feel bad when they try to intrude.

    Lithium Quartz has a very calm energy that is comforting when we feel anxious or disempowered.  It helps us to pause and actually notice the feelings in our body, the thoughts in our mind, and the emotional conclusions that we are making.  It asks us to be a little suspicious of our immediate emotional conclusions, especially if they make us feel helpless or hopeless.  Sometimes we jump to the wrong conclusions out of habit, or because of false beliefs, or maybe we just rush forward with incomplete information.  Lithium Quartz invites us to slow down.  There is no need to rush to conclusions without thinking things through.  Lithium Quartz shares a secret with us – the end of the story is, “and they all lived happily ever after.”  So if the conclusion we’ve drawn isn’t happy yet, it’s only part of the story, it’s not the end! Lithium Quartz delights in “happily ever after” for individuals as well as for couples.  It is a fantastic stone for romantic partners.  It increases the love and harmony between the couple and protects the lovers from negative outside influences.

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